The Resilience of the Human Heart

Any one who has suffered the tragic loss of a loved one knows the intense pain and sense of loss. If you have lost family or friends at sea and they were never recovered for a burial or memorial service, then you know the agony that wrenches deep inside. The pain of not knowing what happened to your loved ones is a feeling that etches deeply into the soul. Nothing can erase because nothing can take the place of knowing where your loved ones lie for eternity. It is a consequence of having a human heart. We bond with one another so strongly that our lives are governed by our feelings and our passions run into the core of our souls. The human condition dictates that we are driven to find the lost, to rescue the shipwrecked, to help the earthquake or flood victim....all so other families will not have to long just to know where a loved one lies....or whether the person is alive or dead.
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