Upon the Sea

Upon the sultry waves of the sea
The mighty ship is tossed
To and fro, afore and aft
Until the moon crests the watery ridge
Here it remains, tossing, and lost.

The captain decrees to lower the masts
And surrender to the powerful sea
The mighty ship will ride the waves
Akin to a whale in the deep
Like Ishmael defeated by Moby Dick.

Night advances as moonlight wanes
Across the watery veil of the sea
Casting its eerie shadows in the night
Upon the hull and it's crew
Who huddle in moonlight, night and mist.

The mighty sea beats upon the breast
Of the ship cast out on the deep
As in the belly of the whale, she fights
To balance o'er the waves, as men sleep
Surging, tossing, she sails, wild yet free.

Poem Copyright ©2002 Cheryl Gardner

This poem is dedicated to those lost at sea. Reprints possible with written permission from the author, for memorial ceremonies and tributes. Contact themidnightwriter1@gmail.com for permissions.

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